Netty Crockett

Head of Recruitment


Hi, I’m Netty and I’m so pumped to have found my unicorn role with CMOS. Perfect balance between life and work while matching skills and values. Have not worked anywhere better 🙂

However when I’m not loving my job and working I’m spending my time with my beautiful little family, friends and getting in as many runs as I can. I’m also passionate about giving back to those who are in need anyway I can.

A fun fact about myself is I can juggle and know all the lyrics to Ice Ice baby.

How do you want people to remember you?  Kinda caring and passionate

What is your favourite book? Untethered Soul (Michael Singer)

What are three things still left on your bucket list? Mainly travel – visit Aurora borealis lights, view the murmuration of starlings from Budapest, go diving in Egypt

What job would you be terrible at? Cowboy

Netty child

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