Daniel Ralphs

Sydney Regional Manager

Daniel Ralphs

I’m Daniel and I’m the Regional Manager of CMOS Sydney. I started with CMOS in 2021 as the Marketing and Communications Advisor and have since been through a number of role changes which has given me experience with all faucets of the business. I love a challenge, and moving to Sydney and starting the office here has been my biggest one yet!

What job would you be terrible at? Painting. I had a go at painting a door in the Wellington office and haven’t heard the end of it.

How do you want people to remember you? Ideally not for the office door painting, but instead for a bit of laughter around the office and knowing how to get the printer working

What is your favourite book? I am Legend by Richard Matheson the innovator of the modern day zombie apocalypse story

What animal do you think most closely matches your personality? Donkey from Shrek

Daniel child

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